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What is a Tithe?

A tithe is 1/10th or 10% of your gross (before tax) income. To pay your tithe automatically each month, after you click PAY TITHE, please select the option to Make This Recurring (Monthly).


I am the Lord All-Powerful, and I challenge you to put me to the test. Bring the entire ten percent into the storehouse, so there will be food in my house. Then I will open the windows of heaven and flood you with blessing after blessing.


                                                                                                               -Malachi 3:10 (CEV)

What is an Offering?

An offering is what you give to the Lord’s work or to His ministers over and above your tithe. To give your offering automatically each month, after you click GIVE AN OFFERING, please select the option to Make This Recurring (Monthly).


Give, and it will be given to you. A good portion—packed down, firmly shaken, and overflowing—will fall into your lap. The portion you give will determine the portion you receive in return.”

                                                                                                                    -Luke 6:38 (CEB)


Online Giving is Easier than Ever

M   a   k   i   n   g      a   n       I   m   p   a   c   t   .   .   .

M A K I N G   A N   I M P A C T

S T .   J O H N   M I S S I O N A R Y   B A P T I S T   C H U R C H

St. John Missionary Baptist Church Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved

178 Bessie Harvey Avenue
Alcoa, TN 37701

Office: 865.982.8021  - Fax: 865-982.9909 - Email: tba


Service Times:

Morning Worship 11:00am (50 Capacity)

Wednesday Bible Study (Virtual) 6:30pm via Zoom Video

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